
Blooming Where I've Been Planted

It's what we all have been trying to do, right?  If we're totally honest with ourselves..."Bloom where you are planted!"  Its been my personal motto the whole 22 years my husband was in the Air Force.  "What??  We've only been here 18 months!  What do you mean we have orders?"  Most Air Force families got to stay an average of 3-4 years at their base; our average was 2-3 until we got to Texas...we were here SIX whole years before my hubby retired.  We ended up staying so our four children could stay in the same schools with the same friends they had cautiously grown to love.  Cautiously, because history had taught them that just as they became close to friends, it would be time to leave, and leaving friends was painful.  It was good for their relationships with each other, though...the four of them have always been very close.  So, I did my best to bloom.  I bloomed as a newlywed far away from my parents and siblings.  I bloomed as i burned dinners and s
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